TeamLEAD Release Notes

TeamLEAD February 12th 2020 Release

  • TL00213 - Feature: User/User Group - Update Module Names
  • TL00214 - Feature: Round List - Custom Sort
  • TL00215 - Feature: Round - Add Notes Option
  • TL00226 - Feature: User Setup- do not require active person record
  • TL00232 - Fix: Check for RoleAssignments record on user delete
  • TL00233 - Feature: Site Listing- add search
  • TL00234 - Feature: Geography- show active/inactive flag
  • TL00236 - Fix: SignHandoff and Start/End time issues
  • TL00239 - Fix: Changes on Round notes and RoundList order display

TeamLEAD November 20th 2019 Release

  • TL00131 - Feature: Add active/inactive flag at site level with start and end dates
  • TL00153 - Feature: Remove Geography Group requirement
  • TL00178 - Feature: Avatar - change default avatar image to user initials
  • TL00188 - Fix: Wrap Long Locations - Round_ Visitation_ Service Recovery
  • TL00192 - Fix: Small Menu Bar title - queue overlap and missing PO tile
  • TL00193 - Feature: Menu Bar Updates
  • TL00195 - Feature: Patient Observation - encrypted fields label
  • TL00196 - Fix: Round report access
  • TL00198 - Feature: Patient Observation - Add escalation link to list screen
  • TL00199 - Feature: Patient Observation - Add Submit button
  • TL00201 - Fix: Missed Observation email correction
  • TL00204 - Feature: Tile Updates
  • TL00205 - Feature: Weather - migrate apixu to openweathermap
  • TL00206 - Feature: RDO Account Visitation Module
  • TL00207 - Feature: Observation - Add 'pending Sign Off' and 'Completed' status to 'All status' dropdown field list
  • TL00208 - Feature: Confirmation alert before leaving the module from small menu bar
  • TL00209 - Fix: Deactivated site should not be listed under the menu bar list
  • TL00217 - Feature: RDO Visitation - no changes after director action report sent

TeamLEAD August 21st 2019 Release

  • TL00121 - Feature: Customize Tile Layout
  • TL00126 - Feature: Round Report - Update Unsat Column Display
  • TL00129 - Feature: Capture transaction start and end times
  • TL00130 - Feature: Add security options to settings
  • TL00135 - Fix: Tile sizing
  • TL00141 - Feature: EPAY Tile, Update title to 'Staffing'
  • TL00147 - Feature: Safety Coaching Module
  • TL00151 - Fix: Recovery timezone issue
  • TL00157 - Fix: Reports - Site Filter for 'All' selection and Site Default
  • TL00158 - Feature: Patient Observation Services Module
  • TL00162 - Feature: Add offline support for tile layout
  • TL00164 - Feature: Reports - Offline message
  • TL00165 - Feature: Patient Observation Reports
  • TL00166 - Feature: Small Menu Bar on all pages
  • TL00169 - Feature: Move Round List to Settings menu
  • TL00170 - Feature: Journal Tile Update
  • TL00176 - Fix: TeamCoach comments saving issue
  • TL00185 - Fix overlap: Coach Module
  • TL00186 - Feature: POS - Patient data encryption and retention process
  • TL00189 - Fix: Coach Tile Round dependency issue

TeamLEAD April 3rd 2019 Release

  • TL00053 - Feature: Patient Visitation/Service Recovery Integration with MyDining
  • TL00076 - Fix: MyDining Visitation - Issue with Occupied and Available check box filters
  • TL00089 - Fix: MyDining Visitation Tile- Entries not showing up without manual refresh
  • TL00119 - Feature: EPAY Tile - Update tile display and show employee detail on click
  • TL00133 - Fix: Coach - Comments available based on comments allowed template setting in TeamCoach
  • TL00138 - Feature: MyDining Visitation Offline Support
  • TL00142 - Feature: MyDining Recovery Report
  • TL00144 - Feature: MyDining Recovery Offline Support
  • TL00146 - Feature: MyDining Visitation Report

TeamLEAD January 9th 2019 Release

  • TL00080 - Feature: Coach - Form enhancements
  • TL00100 - Feature: Reports - Interactive Reports
  • TL00102 - Feature: User Group - setup to allow multiple module selections
  • TL00105 - Feature: User Setup Auto-add Coach
  • TL00106 - Feature: Geo Group Setup - Add Coach Integration
  • TL00108 - Feature: TeamLEAD - User Login Streaks
  • TL00109 - Feature: Coach - Repeat Option
  • TL00110 - Fix: Coach Queue page issues
  • TL00112 - Fix: TeamLead - Modules not loading in IE11
  • TL00115 - Fix: Menu Bar Icons - Spacing and Alignment
  • TL00116 - Feature: Coach: TeamCoach logo at top of Coach pages
  • TL00117 - Feature: Coach - Keep sections in order
  • TL00118 - Feature: GeoGroup Setup - Add HRC integration
  • TL00120 - Fix: Huddle creates duplicated records in database
  • TL00122 - Fix: Login streak resets when user logins on sat or sun
  • TL00123 - Fix: Round Report Typo
  • TL00125 - Fix: Coach format issue with different survey questions
  • TL00128 - Fix: Radio button spacing issue

TeamLEAD September 19th 2018 Release

  • TL00002 - TeamLEAD: Add User Logon/Logoff Activity
  • TL00062 - Optimize Offline indexdb logic (no need to test)
  • TL00064 - TeamLEAD: Deactivate site not working
  • TL00065 - TeamLEAD: Huddle date issue
  • TL00067 - TeamLEAD: Journal, fix swipe to complete/undo
  • TL00069 - Coach: make EntryNote to "TeamLead" or "TeamLeadOffline" on surveys created on teamlead
  • TL00072 - Coach - Location text wrap
  • TL00073 - Geography Group - Sort by Name
  • TL00077 - User Group: Name Change fix
  • TL00078 - Fix Data Issue: Virginia Mason and Saint Johns
  • TL00079 - Coach: Create main tile with survey stats and avg score_ remove from menu bar
  • TL00081 - Throughput: Create main tile_ remove from menu bar
  • TL00082 - Weather: Add weather image and display on click
  • TL00083 - TeamLEAD: Menu Bar Redesign
  • TL00084 - TeamLEAD: Remove tile descriptions
  • TL00086 - Coach: Tile Edits
  • TL00087 - Coach:Weekly Summary - not updating the summary without manual refresh from Round entry.
  • TL00088 - Coach: Weekly Summary - UI alignment issue need to be corrected.
  • TL00090 - Menu Bar and Tile Display edits
  • TL00091 - Coach: new EntryType for TeamLEAD Surveys
  • TL00093 - Remove Menu Bar Drop Down List - Mobile
  • TL00094 - UI Fixes
  • TL00095 - coach count does not show up on first entry
  • TL00096 - Weekly Summary Display fix on Ipad Air

TeamLEAD May 2nd 2018 Release

  • TL00040 - Coach: Offline
  • TL00047 - Huddle: Only save checked items
  • TL00048 - Menu Bar: Add Weather Tile
  • TL00018 - Coach Queue: Bug fix for Offline Queue

TeamLEAD February 28th 2018 Release

  • TL00016 - New Round Page
  • TL00017 - Round : Completed checkbox should be selected and read only when Confirmed checkbox is selected
  • TL00018 - Round - when 'Assign to Date' is selected in Resolution_ it keeps displaying for the next round selection as well
  • TL00019 - Round list 'Add new location' Do not show the complete list while searching location
  • TL00020 - Create task /ThroughPut - page loads with HTTP version not supported
  • TL00021 - Round - SAT text is not clearly visible if selected location is unsatisfactory
  • TL00022 - Round Location - Each time round location is saved with unsatisfactory selection. Shows "Round1 has been completed."
  • TL00023 - Round Page: not saving for boston medical test...123 round list
  • TL00024 - Patient Visitation Log: Add 'No Requests' option to Patient Requests and/or Preferences field
  • TL00025 - Geography Group Locations: Longer site names overlap the add button
  • TL00028 - teamlead production site coach and throughput not working
  • TL00030 - add error logging to Teamlead
  • TL00031 - show throughput status on round page
  • TL00034 - Journal showing data from other sites
  • TL00037 - User Group - Sort list of users assigned to group by username
  • TL00038 - Epay hours not listing
  • TL00039 - Coach wizard redesign
  • TL00041 - Reset selection after round complete
  • TL00042 - Round: filtering on 2nd round shows data from 1st round
  • TL00044 - Coach wizard issues
  • TL00045 - Coach: hide "queue" and "Random" when accessing from round. show "Send to queue"
  • TL00046 - fixed IE 11 not showing properly issue

TeamLEAD October 4th 2017 Release

  • TF00092 - change to use esmUnit as teamcoachID in teamlead
  • TF00014 - Coach: Use more screen in vertical orientation - large empty gap under submit
  • TF00101 - showing facility on teamcoach locations
  • TF00103 - Coach Queue - Randomly selected locations do not exist on the TeamCoach
  • TF00095 - Coach Page 1 - Template dropdown should be resized according to the template list
  • TF00090 - Security: update geolocaitons after update site name
  • TF00089 - Coach:Page 3 - do not show the location list if location is already selected in the location field
  • TF00038 - on iphone buttons overlap
  • TF00091 - Create task on throughput throws error
  • TF00043 - Offline - Shows duplicate records_ first time when user is offline and creates a record
  • TeamLead: Store dates as UTC time. Use offset to display_ export_ and print correct date
  • TF00074 - Security: select tiles on users and user groups are not workings
  • TF00088 - Security: when adding the user_ make it not case sensitive
  • TF00018 - Coach: When location does not exist in TeamCoach which was entered for TeamLead give warning after user presses enter form button
  • TF00070 - Coach: saving score and max score of N/A answers and change score and max score calculation
  • TF00042 - Journal Report - Not refreshing the screen for the first time on Iphone & Ipad
  • TF00047 - Reports: On IPhone the date filters are not reset.
  • TF00041 - Coach -Previous button is not getting focused properly on screen 4
  • TF00044 - Geography :Location -capitalisation required to maintain consistency "Show more to "Show More..."
  • TF00046 - Reports: On IPhone stop keyboard from displaying when Date Control is pressed on all reports.
  • TF00048 - Coach Queue: Icon on Surveys queued is cut off when held vertically and horizontal on an IPhone and is cut off when held vertically on an IPad
  • TF00050 - Security: Epay is not check and protected in user modules if user included in user group
  • TF00015 - Coach: Resize vertical to horizontal not working on phone_ tablet is good
  • TF00013 - Coach: 1-4 page Buttons for page are not responsive on IPad or IPhone when horizontal
  • TF00017 - Reports: Lock filters when IPhone is horizontal when scrolling detail

TeamLEAD June 21st 2017 Release

  • Coach: When coach entered through round location it is displayed but not selected
  • Screen: resize screen when device moved from vertical to horizontal
  • All Modules: When touch date control and select date, user must touch another control to get date control again
  • Reports: Round Report shows results for different values then the filters show
  • Reports: Create new HTML report for Journal
  • Geography Groups: Add Filter to Geography Locations for Geography Names
  • Geography Groups: When adding locations to Geography Groups remove inactive locations
  • Geography Groups: Allow to show more values when displaying Geography Locations
  • Patient Visitation Log: Edits are not being saved for Visitation Logs
  • Coach: Change Date format on Queue to MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM
  • TeamLead: Application does not time out on IPad or IPhone
  • Coach Framework: Update the ii Framework and .Net Framework 2.0 to 4.5
  • Security: Change windows authentication to form authentication and authenticate with Active Directory
  • Login: When logging out or timed out, redirect to new login page
  • Service Recovery: Added through Patient Visitation the Service Recovery already contains data, separate by Patient
  • Coach: List should not cause keyboard to pop up
  • Login: Page is not centered on IPad when vertical
  • Offline: Concurrency issue for all modules should update by Modified Date when Synchronization
  • Epay: Add new tile for Epay Punch Information
  • Reports: Journal report filters and export to Excel do not work
  • Home Page: When IPad turned horizontal the tiles do not display correctly
  • Login: Release Note link not showing and both Release Note